Monday, May 11, 2009

Animation! Here it is!

As promised a wee while ago I have been looking into the students animations and have a few examples that I believe need posting here so that others can see what they are capable of. Who would have thought that not teaching them how to do something and allowing them to explore it themselves would have created some wonderful work. This one is using I Can Animate and has some humour that only 12yr and 13 yr olds can get away with! Enjoy!


Life in our room at the moment is full of Science Fair and fair testing.
The amount of work that the students are putting in is admirable and I commend the ones that are going that extra mile. Good luck with putting your boards together. I can't wait to see what your finished project will look like and your grasp on fair testing.

For the next four weeks in our Reading work, we are looking into the cause of the Holocaust and the recounts the survivors are able to share with us.
We are specifically looking at our reading skills and how we can learn more about our reading habits. This is going to require us to look into the skills we are needing to learn to gain more knowledge and apply what we already know.

We are reading 'Night' by Elie Wiesel and we will have some work related to it. He is a survivor of Auschwitz and as he was a teenager when he was there, we can make some connections to the text. This will also allow us to explore how to write essays and use the novel as a source of information.


  1. Hey Animators
    Good to see such professional looking movements in your animations.
    I wonder what an animation about the rights of adults would look like?
    Would it be the same or different?

    Too cool for school!

    Just way cool!
    Haaa.. LOL seriously

