Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday 28th of april 2009 Connors blog

This term we are mainly going to be focusing on science fair. In fact today we started of our projects by deciding what we were going to do it on (that was a mission!!! It took some of us one and a half hours to think of what we were going to do!) we also did our aims and key questions. Man when we did reading and it felt like only ten minutes, I only got through about five pages before Ms Cording said we had been reading for an hour and had to stop. 

                                                                       Laters Connor

Monday, April 6, 2009

Second to last day

Another day at school. First up we had Fitness. Then we had to do post Statisics test on e-asttle, we do it on our computers instead of using up a whole lot paper. In the 2nd block we Technology.
And also in the 3rd block we had a science project. We did it because we have a Science fair in term 2, So we are learning how to do fair testing and making a science fair project. Our question was what is the most absorbent paper towel. We had 5 brands of Paper towels. That was our only variable. We were all in groups and we all did the test. It turned out that Viva was the best.
Soon after the bell rang.

Sam signing off.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools!

Room 2's many plans of pranks to pull on Miss Cording didn't exactly go according to plan after everyone forgot about the first one and she saw us handling the praying-mantis before anyone could make it walk around her shoes. However in second block we managed to pull off switching classes with room 1 for our P.E session. That was of course before we all ran stampeding through the school looking for a place to hide from our teachers.
The reading group working on a play of Parvana and trying hard to finish their filming. Our study of Child brides is continuing with writing explanations and watching info video's.
Probably the most interesting library session for many of us who ended up with books to shelve and endless press-ups (KRISTIE)!
Animations are due tomorrow which I think is scaring some of us. Look forward to sharing after all this hard work though!!!